Class Hierarchy:
Direct Known Subclasses:
Echo.AbstractButton, Echo.AbstractListComponent, Echo.Arc.ChildContainer, Echo.Column, Echo.Composite, Echo.ContentPane, Echo.Grid, Echo.Label, Echo.Row, Echo.SplitPane, Echo.TextComponent, Echo.WindowPane, Extras.AccordionPane, Extras.BorderPane, Extras.CalendarSelect, Extras.ColorSelect, Extras.ContextMenu, Extras.DropDownMenu, Extras.Group, Extras.MenuBarPane, Extras.RichTextArea, Extras.TabPane, Extras.ToolTipContainer, Extras.TransitionPane

Base class for components. Derived classes should wishing to support hierarchal construction should provide constructors with a first parameter name of 'properties' which is passed to the super-constructor. In any case, the super-constructor must be invoked. A component MUST have its componentType property set before it is used in a hierarchy. Failing to do so will throw an exception and/or result in indeterminate behavior.

Constructor Summary
Public Echo.Component()
Creates a new Component.

Class Field Summary
Internal _nextRenderId
The next automatically assigned client render id.

Instance Field Summary
Public, Virtual componentType
Component type.
Public, Virtual focusable
Flag indicating whether or not the component is focusable.

Instance Method Summary
Public, Virtual getFocusComponent()
Returns the child component at the specified index after sorting the children in the order which they should be focused.
Public add()
Adds a component as a child.
Public addListener()
Adds an arbitrary event listener.
Public fireEvent()
Provides notification of an arbitrary event.
Public get()
Returns an arbitrary property value.
Public getComponent()
Retrieves the child component at the specified index.
Public getComponentCount()
Returns the number of child components.
Public getIndex()
Returns an arbitrary indexed property value.
Public getLayoutDirection()
Returns the component layout direction.
Public getLocale()
Returns the component locale.
Public getLocalStyleData()
Retrieves local style property map associations.
Public getRenderLayoutDirection()
Returns the layout direction with which the component should be rendered, based on analyzing the component's layout direction, its parent's, and/or the application's.
Public getRenderLocale()
Returns the locale with which the component should be rendered, based on analyzing the component's locale, its parent's, and/or the application's.
Public getStyle()
Returns the style assigned to this component, if any.
Public getStyleName()
Returns the name of the style (from the application's style sheet) assigned to this component.
Public indexOf()
Returns the index of a child component, or -1 if the component is not a child.
Public isActive()
Determines if the component is active, that is, within the current modal context and ready to receive input.
Public isAncestorOf()
Determines if this component is or is an ancestor of another component.
Public isEnabled()
Determines the enabled state of this component.
Public isRenderEnabled()
Determines whether this Component should be rendered with an enabled state.
Public register()
Registers / unregisters a component that has been added/removed to/from a registered hierarchy (a hierarchy that is registered to an application).
Public render()
Returns the value of a property that should be rendered, based on the value set on this component, in the component's specified style, and/or in the application's stylesheet.
Public renderIndex()
Returns the value of an indexed property that should be rendered, based on the value set on this component, in the component's specified style, and/or in the application's stylesheet.
Public remove()
Removes a child component.
Public removeAll()
Removes all child components.
Public removeListener()
Removes an arbitrary event listener.
Public set()
Sets the value of a property in the internal style.
Public setEnabled()
Sets the enabled state of the component.
Public setIndex()
Sets the value of an indexed property in the internal style.
Public setLayoutDirection()
Sets a component-specific layout direction.
Public setLocale()
Sets a component-specific locale.
Public setStyle()
Sets the style of the component.
Public setStyleName()
Sets the name of the style (from the application's style sheet) assigned to this component.
Public toString()
Returns a string representation of the component (default implementation).

Style Properties
background Color (String) the background color
font Font (Object) the component font
foreground Color (String) the foreground color
layoutData layout data information, describing how the component should be rendered by its container

property An event fired when the a property of the component changes. The propertyName property will specify the name of the changed property. The oldValue and newValue properties (may) describe the previous and current states of the property, respectively.
init An event which is fired when the Component is added to a component hierarchy which is registered to an application. The "application" property of the Component will be available when the event is fired.
dispose An event which is fired when the Component is about to be removed from a component hierarchy which is registered to an application. The "application" property of the Component will be available when the event is fired.
parent An event which is fired when the Component's parent is changed.
children An event which is fired when a child is added to or removed from the Component.

Constructor Detail
Creates a new Component. The parent constructor MUST be invoked if it is overridden. This is accomplished by including the statement ", properties)" in any derivative constructor, where "BaseComponent" is class from which the component is immediately derived (which may or may not be Echo.Component itself).
properties - (Optional) associative mapping of initial property values (may be null) By default, all properties will be placed into the local style, except for the following:
  • styleName specifies the component stylesheet style name
  • style specifies the referenced component style
  • renderId specifies the render id
  • children an array specifying the initial children of the component
  • events an associative mapping between event names and listener methods

Instance Method Detail
Returns the child component at the specified index after sorting the children in the order which they should be focused. The default implementation simply returns the same value as getComponent(). Implementations should override this method when the natural order to focus child components is different than their normal ordering (e.g., when the component at index 1 is positioned above the component at index 0).
index (Number) - the index of the child (in focus order)
(Echo.Component) the child component

Adds a component as a child.
component (Echo.Component) - the component to add
index (Number) - the (integer) index at which to add it (optional, omission will cause component to be appended to end)

Adds an arbitrary event listener.
eventType (String) - the event type name
eventTarget (Function) - the method to invoke when the event occurs (the event will be passed as the single argument)

Provides notification of an arbitrary event. Listeners will be notified based on the event's type property.
event - the event to fire

Returns an arbitrary property value.
name (String) - the name of the property
the property value

Retrieves the child component at the specified index.
index (Number) - the (integer) index
(Echo.Component) the child component

Returns the number of child components.
(Number) the number of child components

Returns an arbitrary indexed property value.
name (String) - the name of the property
index (Number) - the index to return
the property value

Returns the component layout direction. Note that in most cases it is preferable to set the layout direction of the Application, rather than individual components.
(Echo.LayoutDirection) the component layout direction

Returns the component locale. Note that in most cases it is preferable to set the locale of the Application, rather than individual components.
(String) the component locale

Retrieves local style property map associations. This method should only be used by a de-serialized for the purpose of rapidly loading properties into a new component.
the internal style property map associations

Returns the layout direction with which the component should be rendered, based on analyzing the component's layout direction, its parent's, and/or the application's.
(Echo.LayoutDirection) the rendering layout direction

Returns the locale with which the component should be rendered, based on analyzing the component's locale, its parent's, and/or the application's.
(String) the rendering locale

Returns the style assigned to this component, if any.
the assigned style

Returns the name of the style (from the application's style sheet) assigned to this component.
(String) the style name

Returns the index of a child component, or -1 if the component is not a child.
component (Echo.Component) - the component
(Number) the index

Determines if the component is active, that is, within the current modal context and ready to receive input.
(Boolean) the active state

Determines if this component is or is an ancestor of another component.
c (Echo.Component) - the component to test
(Boolean) true if an ancestor relationship exists

Determines the enabled state of this component. Use isRenderEnabled() to determine whether a component should be rendered as enabled.
the enabled state of this specific component

Determines whether this Component should be rendered with an enabled state. Disabled Components are not eligible to receive user input.
(Boolean) true if the component should be rendered enabled

Registers / unregisters a component that has been added/removed to/from a registered hierarchy (a hierarchy that is registered to an application).
application (Echo.Application) - the application (null to unregister the component)

Returns the value of a property that should be rendered, based on the value set on this component, in the component's specified style, and/or in the application's stylesheet.
name (String) - the name of the property
defaultValue - the default value to return if no value is specified in an internal property, style, or stylesheet
the property value

Returns the value of an indexed property that should be rendered, based on the value set on this component, in the component's specified style, and/or in the application's stylesheet.
name (String) - the name of the property
index (Number) - the (integer) index of the property
defaultValue - the default value to return if no value is specified in an internal property, style, or stylesheet
the property value

Removes a child component.
componentOrIndex - the index of the component to remove, or the component to remove (values may be of type Echo.Component or Number)

Removes all child components.

Removes an arbitrary event listener.
eventType (String) - the event type name
eventTarget (Function) - the method to invoke when the event occurs (the event will be passed as the single argument)

Sets the value of a property in the internal style.
name (String) - the name of the property
value - the new value of the property

Sets the enabled state of the component.
newValue - the new enabled state

Sets the value of an indexed property in the internal style.
name (String) - the name of the property
index (Number) - the index of the property
newValue - the new value of the property

Sets a component-specific layout direction. Note that in most cases it is preferable to set the layout direction of the Application, rather than individual components.
newValue (Echo.LayoutDirection) - the new layout direction

Sets a component-specific locale. Note that in most cases it is preferable to set the locale of the Application, rather than individual components.
newValue (String) - the new layout direction

Sets the style of the component.
newValue - the new style

Sets the name of the style (from the application's style sheet) assigned to this component.
newValue (String) - the style name

Returns a string representation of the component (default implementation).
longFormat (Boolean) - an optional flag specifying whether all information about the component should be displayed (e.g., property values)
(String) a string representation of the component