Class Hierarchy:

WindowPane component: displays content in a movable and/or resizable window. May only be added to a ContentPane. May contain at most one child component. May contain pane components as children.

Instance Method Summary
Public userClose()
Processes a user request to close the window.
Public userMaximize()
Processes a user request to maximize the window.
Public userMinimize()
Processes a user request to minimize the window.

Methods inherited from class Echo.Component
getFocusComponent, add, addListener, fireEvent, get, getComponent, getComponentCount, getIndex, getLayoutDirection, getLocale, getLocalStyleData, getRenderLayoutDirection, getRenderLocale, getStyle, getStyleName, indexOf, isActive, isAncestorOf, isEnabled, isRenderEnabled, register, render, renderIndex, remove, removeAll, removeListener, set, setEnabled, setIndex, setLayoutDirection, setLocale, setStyle, setStyleName, toString

Style Properties
backgroundImage FillImage (String or Object) the background image to display within the content area
border FillImageBorder (Object) the border frame containing the WindowPane
closable Boolean flag indicating whether the window is closable
closeIcon ImageReference (String or Object) the close button icon
closeIconInsets Insets (Number, String, or Object) the inset margin around the close button icon
closeRolloverIcon ImageReference (String or Object) the close button rollover icon
contentHeight Extent (Number or String) the height of the content region of the window
contentWidth Extent (Number or String) the width of the content region of the window
controlsInsets Insets (Number, String, or Object) the inset margin around the controls area
controlsSpacing Extent (Number or String) the spacing between controls in the controls area
height Extent (Number or String) the outside height of the window, including its border
icon ImageReference (String or Object) the icon to display adjacent the window title
iconInsets Insets (Number, String, or Object) the inset margin around the icon
insets Insets (Number, String, or Object) the inset margin around the window content
maximizeEnabled Boolean flag indicating whether maximize feature should be enabled
maximizeIcon ImageReference (String or Object) the minimize button icon
maximizeIconInsets Insets (Number, String, or Object) the inset margin around the maximize button icon
maximizeRolloverIcon ImageReference (String or Object) the maximize button rollover icon
maximumHeight Extent (Number or String) the maximum height of the window
maximumWidth Extent (Number or String) the maximum width of the window
minimizeEnabled Boolean flag indicating whether maximize feature should be enabled
minimizeIcon ImageReference (String or Object) the minimize button icon
minimizeIconInsets Insets (Number, String, or Object) the inset margin around the minimize button icon
minimizeRolloverIcon ImageReference (String or Object) the minimize button rollover icon
minimumHeight Extent (Number or String) the minimum height of the window
minimumWidth Extent (Number or String) the minimum width of the window
movable Boolean flag indicating whether the window is movable
positionX Extent (Number or String) the horizontal (x) position of the window
positionY Extent (Number or String) the vertical (y) position of the window
resizable Boolean flag indicating whether the window is resizable
title String the title of the window
titleBackground Color (String) the background color to display in the title bar
titleBackgroundImage FillImage (String or Object) the background image to display in the title bar
titleFont Font (Object) the font in which to display the title text
titleForeground Color (String) the foreground color of the title text
titleHeight Extent (Number or String) the height of the title bar
titleInsets Insets (Number, String, or Object) the inset margin of the title text
width Extent (Number or String) the outside width of the window, including its border

close An event fired when the close button is pressed.
maximize An event fired when the maximize button is pressed.
minimize An event fired when the minimize button is pressed.

Instance Method Detail
Processes a user request to close the window.

Processes a user request to maximize the window.

Processes a user request to minimize the window.