Class Hierarchy:

Grid component: a layout container which displays children in a grid. Individual child component cells may be configured to span multiple rows or columns using layout data. May contain zero or more components as children. May not contain panes as children.

Class Field Summary
Constant value for orientation property indicating cells should be laid out horizontally and then vertically.
Constant value for orientation property indicating cells should be laid out vertically and then horizontally.
A constant value for the columnSpan and rowSpan properties of LayoutData objects used by children of a Grid indicating that a cell should fill all remaining cells.

Methods inherited from class Echo.Component
getFocusComponent, add, addListener, fireEvent, get, getComponent, getComponentCount, getIndex, getLayoutDirection, getLocale, getLocalStyleData, getRenderLayoutDirection, getRenderLocale, getStyle, getStyleName, indexOf, isActive, isAncestorOf, isEnabled, isRenderEnabled, register, render, renderIndex, remove, removeAll, removeListener, set, setEnabled, setIndex, setLayoutDirection, setLocale, setStyle, setStyleName, toString

Style Properties
border Border (String or Object) the border displayed around the grid, and between cells
columnWidth Extent (Number or String) an indexed property whose indices represent the width of each column of the grid
height Extent (Number or String) the overall height of the grid
insets Insets (Number, String, or Object) the default inset margin displayed in each cell
orientation Number a value indicating whether the grid will be laid out horizontally and then vertically or vice-versa, one of the following values:
  • ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL (the default) lay children out horizontally, then vertically
  • ORIENTATION_VERTICAL lay children out vertically, then horizontally
rowWidth Extent (Number or String) an indexed property whose indices represent the height of each row of the grid
size Number the number of cells to render before wrapping to the next column/row (default 2)
width Extent (Number or String) the overall width of the grid

Layout Data Properties
These properties may be set on layoutData property values of immediate child components to describe how the child should be rendered within the container.
alignment Alignment (String or Object) the alignment of the child component within its cell
background Color (String) the background of the child component's cell
backrgoundImage FillImage (String or Object) the background image of the child component's cell
columnSpan Number the number of column the containing cell should span (a value of SPAN_FILL indicates that cell should fill all columns until the end of the grid is reached; this value may only be used in this property for horizontally oriented grids)
insets Insets (Number, String, or Object) the insets margin of the child component's cell (this inset is added to any inset set on the container component)
rowSpan Number the number of rows the containing cell should span (a value of SPAN_FILL indicates that cell should fill all rows until the end of the grid is reached; this value may only be used in this property for vertically oriented grids)