Class Hierarchy:

Label component: displays a text string, an icon, or both. May not contain child components.

Methods inherited from class Echo.Component
getFocusComponent, add, addListener, fireEvent, get, getComponent, getComponentCount, getIndex, getLayoutDirection, getLocale, getLocalStyleData, getRenderLayoutDirection, getRenderLocale, getStyle, getStyleName, indexOf, isActive, isAncestorOf, isEnabled, isRenderEnabled, register, render, renderIndex, remove, removeAll, removeListener, set, setEnabled, setIndex, setLayoutDirection, setLocale, setStyle, setStyleName, toString

Style Properties
formatWhitespace Boolean a boolean flag indicating whether whitespace formatting should be applied to the label
lineWrap Boolean a boolean flag indicating whether long lines should be wrapped
icon ImageReference (String or Object) the icon/image to display in the label
iconTextMargin Extent (Number or String) an extent setting describing the distance between the label and icon
text String the text to display in the label
textAlignment Alignment (String or Object) an alignment setting describing the alignment of the label's text
textPosition Alignment (String or Object) an alignment setting describing the position of the label's text relative to the icon