Class Hierarchy:

TabPane component: a container which displays children as an array of tabs, displaying only the component whose tab is selected at a specific time. May contain zero or more child components. May contain pane components as children.

Class Field Summary
Constant for the borderType property indicating that no border should be drawn around the content.
Constant for the borderType property indicating that a border should be drawn immediately adjacent to the tabs only.
Constant for the borderType property indicating that borders should be drawn above and below the content, but not at its sides.
Constant for the borderType property indicating that borders should be drawn on all sides of the content.
Constant for the tabPosition property indicating that the tabs are positioned at the top of the TabPane.
Constant for the tabPosition property indicating that the tabs are positioned at the bottom of the TabPane.

Instance Method Summary
Public doTabClose()
Processes a request to close a tab.
Public doTabSelect()
Processes a request to select a tab.

Methods inherited from class Echo.Component
getFocusComponent, add, addListener, fireEvent, get, getComponent, getComponentCount, getIndex, getLayoutDirection, getLocale, getLocalStyleData, getRenderLayoutDirection, getRenderLocale, getStyle, getStyleName, indexOf, isActive, isAncestorOf, isEnabled, isRenderEnabled, register, render, renderIndex, remove, removeAll, removeListener, set, setEnabled, setIndex, setLayoutDirection, setLocale, setStyle, setStyleName, toString

Component Properties
activeTabIndex Number the index of the active tab

Style Properties
borderType Number the border border type, one of the following values:
defaultContentInsets Insets (Number, String, or Object) the default content inset margin
insets Insets (Number, String, or Object) the inset margin around the entire TabPane
tabBackgroundImage FillImage (String or Object) the background image displayed behind the tabs
tabActiveLeftImage ImageReference (String or Object) the left image used to render active tabs
tabActiveRightImage ImageReference (String or Object) the right image used to render active tabs
tabActiveBackground Color (String) the background color used to render active tabs
tabActiveBackgroundImage FillImage (String or Object) the background image used to render active tabs
tabActiveBorder Border (String or Object) the border surrounding the active tab and the content of the TabPane
tabActiveFont Font (Object) the font used to render active tabs
tabActiveForeground Color (String) the foreground color used to render active tabs
tabHeight Extent (Number or String) the height of an individual (inactive) tab
tabActiveHeightIncrease Extent (Number or String) the height increase of active tabs
tabInactiveLeftImage ImageReference (String or Object) the left image used to render inactive tabs
tabInactiveRightImage ImageReference (String or Object) the right image used to render inactive tabs
tabInactiveBackground Color (String) the background color used to render inactive tabs
tabInactiveBackgroundImage FillImage (String or Object) the background image used to render inactive tabs
tabInactiveBorder Border (String or Object) the border surrounding inactive tabs
tabInactiveFont Font (Object) the font used to render inactive tabs
tabInactiveForeground Color (String) the foreground color used to render inactive tabs
tabIconTextMargin Extent (Number or String) the margin size between the icon and the text
tabInset Extent (Number or String) the horizontal distance from which all tabs are inset from the edge of the TabPane
tabSpacing Extent (Number or String) the horizontal space between individual tabs
tabPosition Number the position where the tabs are located relative to the pane content, one of the following values:
tabWidth Extent (Number or String) the width of an individual tab
tabAlignment Alignment (String or Object) the alignment within an individual tab
tabCloseEnabled Boolean flag indicating whether tabs may be closed
tabCloseIconRolloverEnabled Boolean flag indicating whether tab close icon rollover effects are enabled
tabCloseIcon ImageReference (String or Object) the tab close icon
tabDisabledCloseIcon ImageReference (String or Object) the tab close icon for tabs that may not be closed
tabRolloverCloseIcon ImageReference (String or Object) the tab close rollover effect icon

tabClose An event fired when the user requests to close a tab.
tabSelect An event fired when the user selects a tab.

Layout Data Properties
These properties may be set on layoutData property values of immediate child components to describe how the child should be rendered within the container.
icon ImageReference (String or Object) the icon to display within a tab
title String the text to display within a tab

Instance Method Detail
Processes a request to close a tab. Notifies listeners of a "tabClose" event.
child - the child tab component which is to be closed

Processes a request to select a tab. Notifies listeners of a "tabSelect" event.
child - the child tab component which is to be selected