Firing Events

The Echo.Component object provides a built-in facility to manage event listeners and fire events. The addListener() and removeListener() methods allow for registration of arbitrary event types, and the fireEvent() method is used to provide event notifications.

We'll again use the SpinButton as an example, providing notification of an action event when the user presses the ENTER key within the text field.

The Component

The Component implementation will have a new method added, doAction(), which notifies listeners of an action event:

    doAction: function() {
        this.fireEvent({type: "action", source: this, actionCommand: this.get("actionCommand")});

The fireEvent() method will look at the type property of the object sent to it, and notify any registered listeners of that type. In this case, any action listeners will be notified. Additionally we specify the source property of the event, providing the this reference to the the SpinButton component itself. Also included in the event is the value of a new actionCommand property of the component.

The Synchronization Peer

The Echo.Render.ComponentSync of the SpinButton will need to be updated to receive notification when the ENTER key is presssed in the text field and subsequently notify the Component implementation.

To do this, we'll first create an event handler for called _processKeyUp() which will handle any keyup events in the text input field. This method will check if the ENTER key (character code 13) was pressed, and if so, notify the SpinButton component:

    _processKeyUp: function(e) {
        if (e.keyCode == 13) {

And to invoke the above code when key up events are received, we'll update the renderAdd() method to register a keyup listener with the DOM:

        Core.Web.Event.add(this._input, "keyup", 
                Core.method(this, this._processKeyUp), false);

You'll of course also want to unregister the event listener when the synchronization peer is disposed. But looking at our Example.SpinButton.Sync class' renderDispose() implementation, the necessary code is already present, as it's being used to remove other DOM listeners:
