Class Hierarchy:

Component rendering peer: WindowPane

Constructor Summary
Public Echo.Sync.WindowPane()
Creates a Echo.

Class Field Summary
Array mapping CSS cursor types to indices of the _borderDivs property.
Array mapping fill image border properties to indices of the _borderDivs property.

Instance Method Summary
Internal _coordinatesToPixels()
Converts the x/y/width/height coordinates of a window pane to pixel values.
Internal _loadPositionAndSize()
Updates the _requested object based on values from the component object.
Internal _loadContainerSize()
Determines size of container and stores in this.
Internal _overlayAdd()
Adds an overlay DIV at maximum z-index to cover any objects that will not provide mouseup feedback (e.
Internal _overlayRemove()
Removes the overlay DIV.
Internal _processBorderMouseDown()
Processes a mouse-down event on the window border (resize drag).
Internal _processBorderMouseMove()
Processes a mouse-move event on the window border (resize drag).
Internal _processBorderMouseUp()
Processes a mouse-up event on the window border (resize drag).
Internal _processControlClick()
Processes a click event on the window controls (i.
Internal _processControlRolloverEnter()
Processes a mouse rollover enter event on a specific window control button.
Internal _processControlRolloverExit()
Processes a mouse rollover exit event on a specific window control button.
Internal _processKeyDown()
Processes a key down event in the window.
Internal _processKeyPress()
Processes a key press event in the window.
Internal _processFocusClick()
Processes a (captured) focus click within the window region.
Internal _processTitleBarMouseDown()
Processes a mouse down event on the window title bar (move drag).
Internal _processTitleBarMouseMove()
Processes a mouse move event on the window title bar (move drag).
Internal _processTitleBarMouseUp()
Processes a mouse up event on the window title bar (move drag).
Internal _redraw()
Repositions and resizes the window based on the current bounds specified in this.
Internal _removeBorderListeners()
Removes mouseup/mousemove listeners from border.
Internal _removeTitleBarListeners()
Removes mouseup/mousemove listeners from title bar.
Public renderAdd()
Internal _renderAddFrame()
Renders the frame of the window.
Internal _renderControlIcon()
Renders a specific control button icon.
Public renderDisplay()
Public renderDispose()
Internal _renderDisposeFrame()
Disposes state of rendered window frame.
Public renderFocus()
Public renderUpdate()
Internal _renderUpdateFrame()
Renders an update to the window frame.
Internal _setBounds()
Sets the bounds of the window.

Methods inherited from class Echo.Render.ComponentSync
renderAdd, renderDispose, renderUpdate

Constructor Detail
Creates a Echo.Sync.WindowPane.

Instance Method Detail
Converts the x/y/width/height coordinates of a window pane to pixel values. The _containerSize instance property is used to calculate percent-based values. Percentage values are converted based on size of container.
bounds - object containing bounds to convert, an object containing extent values in x, y, width (or contentWidth), and height (or contentHeight) properties
a bounds object containing those bounds converted to pixels, with integer x, y, width, and height properties

Updates the _requested object based on values from the component object.

Determines size of container and stores in this._containerSize property.

Adds an overlay DIV at maximum z-index to cover any objects that will not provide mouseup feedback (e.g., IFRAMEs).

Removes the overlay DIV.

Processes a mouse-down event on the window border (resize drag).

Processes a mouse-move event on the window border (resize drag).

Processes a mouse-up event on the window border (resize drag).

Processes a click event on the window controls (i.e. close/maximize/minimize).

Processes a mouse rollover enter event on a specific window control button.

Processes a mouse rollover exit event on a specific window control button.

Processes a key down event in the window.

Processes a key press event in the window.

Processes a (captured) focus click within the window region.

Processes a mouse down event on the window title bar (move drag).

Processes a mouse move event on the window title bar (move drag).

Processes a mouse up event on the window title bar (move drag).

Repositions and resizes the window based on the current bounds specified in this._rendered. Performs no operation if this._rendered does not have width/height data.

Removes mouseup/mousemove listeners from border. Invoked after resize drag has completed/on dispose.

Removes mouseup/mousemove listeners from title bar. Invoked after move drag has completed/on dispose.


Renders the frame of the window. Does not alter window content. This method may be invoked after the window has initially been rendered to update the window content. _renderDisposeFrame() must be invoked between invocations of _renderAddFrame() to dispose resources. _contentDiv will be appended to rendered DOM structure.

Renders a specific control button icon.
name (String) - the name of the control icon, used for both event identification and to retrieve icon property names from component (e.g., a value "close" will cause "closeIcon" and "closeRolloverIcon" properties of component to be used)
defaultIcon (#ImageReference) - the default icon image to use in the event none is specified by the component
altText (String) - the alternate text to display if no icon is available (and defaultIcon is null)



Disposes state of rendered window frame. This method disposes all resources initialized in _renderAddFrame().



Renders an update to the window frame. Disposes existing frame, removes rendered elements, adds new frame.

Sets the bounds of the window. Constrains the specified bounds to within the available area. Invokes _redraw().
bounds - an object containing extent properties x, y, width, and height
userAdjusting (Boolean) - flag indicating whether this bounds adjustment is a result of the user moving/resizing the window (true) or is programmatic (false)