Class Hierarchy:
Direct Known Subclasses:
Echo.Arc.ChildContainerPeer, Echo.Arc.ComponentSync, Echo.Render.RootSync, Echo.Sync.ArrayContainer, Echo.Sync.Button, Echo.Sync.ContentPane, Echo.Sync.Grid, Echo.Sync.Label, Echo.Sync.SplitPane, Echo.Sync.TextComponent, Echo.Sync.WindowPane, Extras.Sync.AccordionPane, Extras.Sync.BorderPane, Extras.Sync.CalendarSelect, Extras.Sync.ColorSelect, Extras.Sync.Group, Extras.Sync.Menu, Extras.Sync.TabPane, Extras.Sync.ToolTipContainer, Extras.Sync.TransitionPane

Component synchronization peer.

Constructor Summary
Public Echo.Render.ComponentSync()
Creates a new component synchronization peer.

Class Field Summary
Focus flag indicating up arrow keypress events should be handled by focus manager when the component is focused.
Focus flag indicating down arrow keypress events should be handled by focus manager when the component is focused.
Focus flag indicating left arrow keypress events should be handled by focus manager when the component is focused.
Focus flag indicating right arrow keypress events should be handled by focus manager when the component is focused.
Focus flag indicating all arrow keypress events should be handled by focus manager when the component is focused.
Dimension value for getPreferredSize() indicating height should be calculated.
Dimension value for getPreferredSize() indicating width should be calculated.
Internal _peerId
Unique peer identifier, for internal use only.
Public client
The client supported by this peer.
Public component
The component instance supported by this peer.
Public disposed
Flag indicating that the component has been disposed, i.

Instance Field Summary
Public, Virtual getFocusFlags
Returns the focus flags for the component, one or more of the following values, ORed together.
Public, Virtual getPreferredSize
(Optional) Returns the preferred rendered size of the component in pixels.
Public, Virtual renderFocus
(Optional) Invoked when component is rendered focused.
Public, Virtual renderDisplay
(Optional) Invoked when the component has been added to the hierarchy and first appears on screen, and when ancestors of the component (or the containing window) have resized.

Instance Method Summary
Public, Abstract renderAdd()
Renders the component to the DOM.
Public, Abstract renderDispose()
Invoked when the rendered component is about to be removed from the DOM.
Public, Abstract renderUpdate()
Renders an update to a component, e.

Constructor Detail
Creates a new component synchronization peer.

Instance Method Detail
Renders the component to the DOM. The supplied update will refer to a ancestor component of the supported component being updated.
update (Echo.Update.ComponentUpdate) - the update being rendered
parentElement (Element) - the parent DOM element to which the component should be rendered.

Invoked when the rendered component is about to be removed from the DOM. This method should dispose of any client resources in use by the component, e.g., unregistering event listeners and removing any DOM elements that are not children of the parent component's DOM element. The DOM should NOT be modified to remove the element(s) representing this component for performance as well as aesthetic reasons (e.g., in the case where a parent component might be using an animated transition effect to remove the component. The supplied update will refer to a ancestor component of the supported component being updated. A component may be re-added to the screen after being disposed, e.g., in the case where a parent component does not possess a 'partial update' capability and removes a child component hierarchy and then re-renders it. A synchronization peer should allow for the fact that its renderAdd() method may be invoked at some point in time after renderDispose() has been invoked.
update (Echo.Update.ComponentUpdate) - the update being rendered

Renders an update to a component, e.g., children added/removed, properties updated. The supplied update will refer specifically to an update of the supported component. The provided update will contain a renderContext object property. The following properties of renderContext may be configured by the implementation, if desired:
update (Echo.Update.ComponentUpdate) - the update being rendered
(Boolean) true if this invocation has re-rendered all child components, false otherwise