Class Hierarchy:

Renders a table with two or three cells, suitable for laying out buttons, labels, and similar components.

Constructor Summary
Public Echo.Sync.TriCellTable()
Creates a new TriCellTable

Class Field Summary
Orientation flag indicating inverted (trailing-leading or bottom-top) orientation.
Orientation flag indicating vertical (top-bottom or bottom-top) orientation.
Orientation value indicating horizontal orientation, leading first, trailing second.
Orientation value indicating horizontal orientation, trailing first, leading second.
Orientation value indicating vertical orientation, top first, bottom second.
Orientation value indicating vertical orientation, bottom first, top second.

Class Method Summary
Internal _createTablePrototype()
Creates a prototype DOM element hierarchy for a TriCellTable, which may be cloned for purposes of performance enhancement.
Public getInvertedOrientation()
Returns the inverted orientation value which should be used for a component (the opposite of that which would be returned by getOrientation().
Public getOrientation()
Determines the orientation value which should be used to a component.

Instance Method Summary
Internal _addColumn()
Appends a TD element to a TR element, if TD element is not null.
Internal _addRow()
If the TD element is not null, creates a TR row element and appends the TD element to it; then appends the TR element to the table body.
Internal _addSpacer()
Adds a spacer DIV to the specified parent element.
Internal _configure2()
Configures a two-celled TriCellTable.
Internal _configure3()
Configures a two-celled TriCellTable.

Constructor Detail
Creates a new TriCellTable
orientation0_1 (Number) - the orientation of element 0 with respect to element 1, one of the following values:
  • LEADING_TRAILING (element 0 is leading element 1)
  • TRAILING_LEADING (element 1 is leading element 0)
  • TOP_BOTTOM (element 0 is above element 1)
  • BOTTOM_TOP (element 1 is above element 0)
margin0_1 (Number) - the margin size between element 0 and element 1
orientation01_2 (Number) - (omitted for two-cell tables) the orientation of Elements 0 and 1 with respect to Element 2, one of the following values:
  • LEADING_TRAILING (elements 0 and 1 are leading element 2)
  • TRAILING_LEADING (element 2 is trailing elements 0 and 1)
  • TOP_BOTTOM (elements 0 and 1 are above element 2)
  • BOTTOM_TOP (element 2 is above elements 0 and 1)
margin01_2 (Number) - (omitted for two-cell tables) the margin size between the combination of elements 0 and 1 and element 2

Class Method Detail
Creates a prototype DOM element hierarchy for a TriCellTable, which may be cloned for purposes of performance enhancement.
(Element) the prototype DOM element hierarchy

Returns the inverted orientation value which should be used for a component (the opposite of that which would be returned by getOrientation(). The rendered layout direction of the component will be factored when determining horizontal orientations.
component (Echo.Component) - the component
propertyName (String) - the alignment property name
defaultValue (#Alignment) - default alignment value to use if component does not have specified property
(Number) the (inverted) orientation

Determines the orientation value which should be used to a component. The rendered layout direction of the component will be factored when determining horizontal orientations.
component (Echo.Component) - the component
propertyName (String) - the alignment property name
defaultValue (#Alignment) - default alignment value to use if component does not have specified property
(Number) the orientation

Instance Method Detail
Appends a TD element to a TR element, if TD element is not null.
tr (Element) - the table row (TR) element
td (Element) - the table cell (TD) element

If the TD element is not null, creates a TR row element and appends the TD element to it; then appends the TR element to the table body.
td (Element) - the table cell element

Adds a spacer DIV to the specified parent element.
parentElement (Element) - the parent element to which the spacer DIV should be added
size (Number) - the pixel size of the spacer
vertical (Boolean) - boolean flag indicating the orientation of the spacer, true for vertical spacers, false for horizontal

Configures a two-celled TriCellTable.
orientation0_1 (Number) - the orientation of element 0 with respect to element 1
margin0_1 (Number) - the margin size between element 0 and element 1

Configures a two-celled TriCellTable.
orientation0_1 (Number) - the orientation of element 0 with respect to element 1
margin0_1 (Number) - the margin size between element 0 and element 1
orientation01_2 (Number) - the orientation of Elements 0 and 1 with respect to Element 2
margin01_2 (Number) - the margin size between the combination of elements 0 and 1 and element 2