NextApp Echo
App Container 1.0.5

Package nextapp.echoservlet.ui

Provides ComponentPeers and utilities to handle browser client interaction and rendering for built-in Echo components.


Class Summary
AbstractButtonUI A base peer class for components derived from AbstractButton.
ButtonRenderer A utility for rendering buttons and toggle buttons.
ButtonUI A peer for Button components.
CheckBoxUI A peer for CheckBox components.
ContainerUI A peer for Container components.
CssSwapScript A utility class that wraps JavaScript code required to swap CSS styles in HTML pages on the client without server interaction.
FillerUI A peer for Filler (strut) components.
GridCellUI A peer for Grid.Cell components.
GridRenderingModel A utility class used when rendering Grid components.
GridRenderingModel.FlowOrderComparator A comparator used to determine the order in which cells will "flow" within a grid to consume empty space.
GridRenderingModel.OriginCell An object used to describe the origin of (top-left coordinate) of a grid cell.
GridRenderingModel.PointerCell An object used to describe a grid coordinate that is occupied by a multi-row and/or multi-column cell, but is not the origin (top-left cell) of that cell.
GridUI A peer for Grid components.
ImageSwapScript A utility class that wraps JavaScript code required to swap images in HTML pages on the client without server interaction.
LabelUI A peer for Label components.
ListBoxUI A peer for ListBox components.
PanelUI A peer for Panel components.
RadioButtonUI A peer for RadioButton components.
RolloverScript A utility class that wraps JavaScript code required to create mouse rollover effects in HTML pages on the client without server interaction.
SelectFieldUI A peer for SelectField components.
TableHeaderUI A peer for TableHeader components.
TableUI A peer for Table components.
TextAreaUI A peer for TextArea components.
TextComponentUI A base peer class for components derived from TextComponent.
TextFieldUI A peer for TextField and PasswordField components.
ToggleButtonUI A base peer class for components derived from ToggleButton.
TriCellTable Renders an HTML table that has two or three "container" cells and independently settable margins between them.

Package nextapp.echoservlet.ui Description

Provides ComponentPeers and utilities to handle browser client interaction and rendering for built-in Echo components.

Related Documentation

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NextApp Echo
App Container 1.0.5