NextApp Echo
App Container 1.0.5

Class InstancePeer

  extended bynextapp.echoservlet.InstancePeer
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.util.EventListener, javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingListener, java.beans.PropertyChangeListener,

public final class InstancePeer
extends java.lang.Object
implements javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingListener, java.beans.PropertyChangeListener,

A peer object for an user instance of an Echo application. Like EchoInstance, one instance of this class is created for each user.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
private  java.lang.String applicationUri
          The URI required to make HTTP requests to this application.
private  java.lang.String cacheIdPrefix
          Generated three-digit hexadecimal prefix for all cache Ids.
private  java.lang.String characterEncoding
          The character encoding that will be used for all text-based renderings in the application.
private  java.util.Set clientActionProducers
          A container of all visible action-producing component peers.
private  CacheableServiceWrapper clientErrorService
          A per-user cacheable wrapper for the client error service.
private  java.util.Set clientInputProducers
          A container of all visible input-producing component peers.
private  ClientProperties clientProperties
          Information about the client browser.
private  java.util.Map componentMap
          A mapping between components and component peers.
private  java.util.Set connections
          A set of active Connection objects using this InstancePeer.
private  java.util.Set contentPanes
          A container of all visible content panes.
private  Controller controller
          A service that is used to coordinate re-rendering of content and other updates of the client's browser.
private  CookieManager cookieManager
          The CookieManager object responsible for handling cookies for this application instance.
private  Id defaultWindowId
          The Id of the window that will be rendered if no Id is provided.
private  nextapp.echo.EchoInstance echoInstance
          The application instance.
private  java.lang.String errorUri
          The URI to redirect the browser to in the event of an unrecoverable error.
private  boolean exiting
          True when the application is exiting.
private  java.util.Map idMap
          A mapping between ids and component peers.
private  ImageRepository imageRepository
          A repository of the ImagePeers used by this InstancePeer.
private  IncomingUpdateQueue incomingUpdateQueue
          Changes incoming from the client.
private  boolean initialized
          A flag indicating whether initialization has taken place (whether the init() method has been invoked).
private  long nextComponentId
          The next id value assigned to a component.
private  OutgoingUpdateQueue outgoingUpdateQueue
          Content that needs to be re-rendered.
private  int sequenceNumber
          The request sequence number.
private  ServerContext serverContext
          The server context that will be provided to this application's EchoInstance.
private  ServiceRegistry services
          A container of all services available to this application instance.
private  javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session
          A reference to the HTTP Session object in which this instance peer is being held.
private  java.lang.String terminationUri
          Null if the application does not desire to exit or a URI to direct the browser to if the application does desire to exit.
private userPrincipal
          The principal using the application.
private  VariableData variableData
          A container of all variables used for templated services in this application instance.
private  java.util.Set windows
          A container of all visible windows.
Constructor Summary
(package private) InstancePeer(nextapp.echo.EchoInstance echoInstance, java.lang.String applicationUri)
          Creates a new instance peer for the provided instance.
Method Summary
private  void add(nextapp.echo.Component c, boolean visibilityChange)
          Registers the given component, and all visible components with visible parents beneath it.
(package private)  void addConnection(Connection conn)
          Adds an active connection to the internal list of connections.
private  void childrenChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent e)
          Processes a property change event where a registered component has had children added or removed.
(package private)  void clearTerminationUri()
          Clears the termination URI.
(package private)  void exit(java.lang.String uri)
          Exits the application, redirecting an available browser window to the specified URI.
 Id generateId()
          Generates a unique (to the application) identifier.
(package private)  java.lang.String getApplicationUri()
          Returns the URI from which this application is available.
(package private)  java.lang.String getCacheIdPrefix()
          Returns a prefix to prepend to cache ids in order to ensure that incorrect cached resources are used by client in the event either the server or the users session has restarted.
(package private)  java.lang.String getCharacterEncoding()
          Returns the character encoding that will be used when communicating with the client browser.
(package private)  Service getClientErrorService()
          Returns the client error service for this user.
(package private)  java.util.Iterator getClientInputProducers()
          Returns an iterator over all registered ClientInputProducerss.
 ClientProperties getClientProperties()
          Returns the "client properties" data collected about the client of this InstancePeer.
 PaneUI getContainingPane(ComponentPeer componentPeer)
          Returns the PaneUI in which the given ComponentPeer is contained.
 WindowUI getContainingWindow(ComponentPeer componentPeer)
          Returns the WindowUI in which the given ComponentPeer is contained.
(package private)  java.util.Iterator getContentPanes()
          Returns an iterator over all registered content panes.
 Service getController()
          Returns this instance's Controller service.
 CookieManager getCookieManager()
          Returns the CookieManager used by this instance.
(package private)  Id getDefaultWindowId()
          Returns the Id of the application's default window.
(package private)  java.lang.String getErrorUri()
          Returns the URI the client is directed to in the event of an unrecoverable error.
 ImageRepository getImageRepository()
          Returns the image repository.
(package private)  IncomingUpdateQueue getIncomingUpdateQueue()
          Returns the application's incoming update queue.
 nextapp.echo.EchoInstance getInstance()
          Returns the EchoInstance object this peer supports.
(package private)  OutgoingUpdateQueue getOutgoingUpdateQueue()
          Returns the application's outgoing update queue.
 ComponentPeer getPeer(nextapp.echo.Component c)
          Returns the ComponentPeer that corresponds to the given Component.
 ComponentPeer getPeer(Id id)
          Returns the ComponentPeer that corresponds to the given Id.
 Service getSafeInvokeService()
          Returns the service that renders the script containing the safeInvoke() method.
(package private)  int getSequenceNumber()
          Returns the sequence number of the last successfully processed request from the client controller frame.
(package private)  ServiceRegistry getServiceRegistry()
          Returns the ServiceRegistry that is used by this instance to hold all Service objects available to it.
(package private)  javax.servlet.ServletConfig getServletConfig()
          Returns the ServletConfig object containing that the servlet container sent to the EchoServer's init() method (EchoServer extends HttpServlet).
(package private)  javax.servlet.http.HttpSession getSession()
          Returns the HttpSession object to which this instance peer is bound, or null if is not bound to a session.
(package private)  java.lang.String getTerminationUri()
          Returns null if the application does not desire to exit or a URI to direct the browser to if the application does desire to exit. getUserPrincipal()
          Returns the principal (user) of this application.
(package private)  VariableData getVariableData()
          Returns the VariableData object used by this instance peer when rendering templated services.
(package private)  java.util.Iterator getWindows()
          Returns an iterator of all registered windows.
private  boolean hasPeer(nextapp.echo.Component c)
          Determines whether the specified component has a peer.
(package private)  void incrementSequenceNumber()
          Increments the value of the controller frame sequence number by one.
(package private)  void init()
          Initializes this InstancePeer, causing the represented EchoInstance to also initialize.
(package private)  boolean isExiting()
          Returns true if the application is exiting and should have therefore have its session invalidated.
(package private)  boolean isUserInRole(java.lang.String role)
          Returns true if the user of the application is in the specified role.
(package private)  void lowerWindow(WindowUI windowUI)
          Lowers the specified window to the background.
 void propertyChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent e)
          Handler for PropertyChangeEvents.
(package private)  void raiseWindow(WindowUI windowUI)
          Raises the specified window to the foreground.
 void redraw(ComponentPeer componentPeer)
          Causes the service containing the given component to be re-rendered.
private  void register(nextapp.echo.Component c)
          Registers a component.
private  void remove(nextapp.echo.Component c, boolean visibilityChange)
          Recursively removes a component and its descendants from the InstancePeer by unregistering their peer objects and removing the InstancePeer from their lists of property change listeners.
(package private)  void removeConnection(Connection conn)
          Removes an active connection from the internal list of connections.
(package private)  void restart()
          Restarts application by suspending to applciation's own URI.
(package private)  void setCharacterEncoding(java.lang.String newValue)
          Returns the character encoding that will be used when communicating with the client browser.
(package private)  void setClientProperties(ClientProperties clientProperties)
          Sets the client properties for the user.
(package private)  void setErrorUri(java.lang.String errorUri)
          Sets the URI the client is directed to in the event of an unrecoverable error.
 void setTitle(WindowUI windowUI)
          Causes the specified window's title to be updated on the client.
(package private)  void setUserPrincipal( userPrincipal)
          Sets the principal (user) that is using the application.
(package private)  void suspend(java.lang.String uri)
          Suspends the application, redirecting an available browser window to the specified URI.
private  void unregister(nextapp.echo.Component c)
          Unregisters a component.
private  void updateLocalizedResources()
          Updates localized resources.
 void valueBound(javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingEvent e)
          Listener implementation of HttpSessionBindingListener.
 void valueUnbound(javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingEvent e)
          Listener implementation of Mcode>HttpSessionBindingListener.
private  void visibilityChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent e)
          Handles the case where a registered component or immediate invisible descendent of a registered component has changed visibility.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private transient javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session
A reference to the HTTP Session object in which this instance peer is being held. Marked as transient to avoid serializing the session when individual applications are being serialized.


private final java.lang.String cacheIdPrefix
Generated three-digit hexadecimal prefix for all cache Ids. This is included to eliminate programmer headaches where the server has been restarted and is reassigning ids that may be cached by their test browser. This is also required to prevent similar problems when a user's session has expired and a new one has been created, but resources remain cached on the server. This String will be of the form "f15_".


private final java.util.Map componentMap
A mapping between components and component peers.


private final java.util.Map idMap
A mapping between ids and component peers.


private final java.util.Set windows
A container of all visible windows.


private final java.util.Set clientActionProducers
A container of all visible action-producing component peers.


private final java.util.Set clientInputProducers
A container of all visible input-producing component peers.


private final java.util.Set contentPanes
A container of all visible content panes.


private final VariableData variableData
A container of all variables used for templated services in this application instance.


private final CacheableServiceWrapper clientErrorService
A per-user cacheable wrapper for the client error service. This enables the client error service to be cached unless locale is changed.


private final ServiceRegistry services
A container of all services available to this application instance.


private final IncomingUpdateQueue incomingUpdateQueue
Changes incoming from the client.


private final OutgoingUpdateQueue outgoingUpdateQueue
Content that needs to be re-rendered.


private final Controller controller
A service that is used to coordinate re-rendering of content and other updates of the client's browser.


private final nextapp.echo.EchoInstance echoInstance
The application instance.


private final java.lang.String applicationUri
The URI required to make HTTP requests to this application.


private ClientProperties clientProperties
Information about the client browser.


private Id defaultWindowId
The Id of the window that will be rendered if no Id is provided.


private java.lang.String errorUri
The URI to redirect the browser to in the event of an unrecoverable error.


private boolean initialized
A flag indicating whether initialization has taken place (whether the init() method has been invoked).


private java.lang.String characterEncoding
The character encoding that will be used for all text-based renderings in the application.


private boolean exiting
True when the application is exiting.


private java.lang.String terminationUri
Null if the application does not desire to exit or a URI to direct the browser to if the application does desire to exit.


private CookieManager cookieManager
The CookieManager object responsible for handling cookies for this application instance.


private ServerContext serverContext
The server context that will be provided to this application's EchoInstance.


private userPrincipal
The principal using the application.


private long nextComponentId
The next id value assigned to a component.


private int sequenceNumber
The request sequence number. Ensures that operations are not performed based on input received from previously processed controller frames that may get submitted as a result of the user hitting the reload button on the browser.


private transient java.util.Set connections
A set of active Connection objects using this InstancePeer. An active Connection may be needed for use by the InstancePeer by certain operations, such as isUserInRole() which requires the use of a Connection's HttpServletRequest.


private ImageRepository imageRepository
A repository of the ImagePeers used by this InstancePeer.

Constructor Detail


InstancePeer(nextapp.echo.EchoInstance echoInstance,
             java.lang.String applicationUri)
Creates a new instance peer for the provided instance. Stores the application's URI for future use.

echoInstance - The EchoInstance object for which this peer is being created.
applicationUri - The URI of the application.
Method Detail


private void add(nextapp.echo.Component c,
                 boolean visibilityChange)
Registers the given component, and all visible components with visible parents beneath it. Adds a property change listener to any non-visible components that are the immediate children of any visible components that are being registered, so that if they become visible, this object will be notified.

c - The component to be added to the hierarchy.
visibilityChange - A flag indicating whether the component is being added because it changed visibility or not. If this flag is set, a property change listener won't be added to the component, because it already has one.


void addConnection(Connection conn)
Adds an active connection to the internal list of connections.

conn - The Connection to be added.


private void childrenChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent e)
Processes a property change event where a registered component has had children added or removed.

e - A property change event indicating that children have been added to or removed from a registered component.


void clearTerminationUri()
Clears the termination URI. A termination URI is set if the application is exiting. The termination URI is the URI that the remaining open window will be directed to once the application has shut down and all of its other windows have been closed. A non-null termination URI indicates that the application SHOULD IMMEDIATELY EXIT to that URI. When the exit operation has been completed, the termination URI must be cleared such that if the application is again visited it will reinitialize instead of again redirecting to the termination URI.


void exit(java.lang.String uri)
Exits the application, redirecting an available browser window to the specified URI.

uri - The URI to redirect the browser window to.


public Id generateId()
Generates a unique (to the application) identifier.

An application-unique identifier.


java.lang.String getApplicationUri()
Returns the URI from which this application is available.

The URI from which this application is available.


java.lang.String getCharacterEncoding()
Returns the character encoding that will be used when communicating with the client browser.

The character encoding that will be used when communicating with the client browser.


java.lang.String getCacheIdPrefix()
Returns a prefix to prepend to cache ids in order to ensure that incorrect cached resources are used by client in the event either the server or the users session has restarted.

A prefix to prepend to cache ids to make them unique across server and session restarts.


Service getClientErrorService()
Returns the client error service for this user.

The client error service for this user.


java.util.Iterator getClientInputProducers()
Returns an iterator over all registered ClientInputProducerss.

An iterator over all registered ClientInputProducerss.


public ClientProperties getClientProperties()
Returns the "client properties" data collected about the client of this InstancePeer. This data contains information such as the browser name, version, and the clients screen resolution.

The "client properties" data collected about the client of this InstancePeer.


public PaneUI getContainingPane(ComponentPeer componentPeer)
Returns the PaneUI in which the given ComponentPeer is contained.

componentPeer - The ComponentPeer whose containing PaneUI is to be returned.
The PaneUI containing the given ComponentPeer.


public WindowUI getContainingWindow(ComponentPeer componentPeer)
Returns the WindowUI in which the given ComponentPeer is contained.

componentPeer - The ComponentPeer whose containing WindowUI is to be returned.
The WindowUI containing the given ComponentPeer.


java.util.Iterator getContentPanes()
Returns an iterator over all registered content panes.

An iterator over all registered content panes.


public Service getController()
Returns this instance's Controller service.

This instance's Controller service.


public CookieManager getCookieManager()
Returns the CookieManager used by this instance.

The CookieManager used by this instance.


Id getDefaultWindowId()
Returns the Id of the application's default window. This is the window that will occupy the original browser window the user typed the application's URI into. If the original default window has been closed, an arbitrary window id will be returned.

The application's default window.


java.lang.String getErrorUri()
Returns the URI the client is directed to in the event of an unrecoverable error.

The URI the client is directed to in the event of an unrecoverable error.


public ImageRepository getImageRepository()
Returns the image repository.

The image repository.


IncomingUpdateQueue getIncomingUpdateQueue()
Returns the application's incoming update queue.

The application's incoming update queue.


public nextapp.echo.EchoInstance getInstance()
Returns the EchoInstance object this peer supports.

The EchoInstance object this peer supports.


OutgoingUpdateQueue getOutgoingUpdateQueue()
Returns the application's outgoing update queue.

The application's outgoing update queue.


public ComponentPeer getPeer(nextapp.echo.Component c)
Returns the ComponentPeer that corresponds to the given Component. A component will have a peer only if it has been registered. A component will be registered if all of its ancestors are visible, and the window that contains it is registered with this InstancePeer. If a peer cannot be found for the component, an EchoServletException (A RuntimeException) will be thrown.

c - The component whose peer is to be retrieved.
The peer for the specified component.


public ComponentPeer getPeer(Id id)
Returns the ComponentPeer that corresponds to the given Id. If a peer cannot be found which corresponds to the specified Id, a null value is returned.

id - The id of the peer to be retrieved.
The peer identified by id.


public Service getSafeInvokeService()
Returns the service that renders the script containing the safeInvoke() method. The safeInvoke() method is used to execute script code which may generate errors. Different safeInvoke() implementations are used on different browsers based on the browser's support of JavaScript 1.4's try/catch/finally blocks.

The service that renders the script containing the safeInvoke() method.


int getSequenceNumber()
Returns the sequence number of the last successfully processed request from the client controller frame. The sequence number prevents the same request from being made multiple times, i.e., as the result of the user clicking the reload button in the browser.

The sequence number of the last successfully processed request from the client controller frame.


javax.servlet.http.HttpSession getSession()
Returns the HttpSession object to which this instance peer is bound, or null if is not bound to a session.

the HttpSession object to which this instance peer is bound.


ServiceRegistry getServiceRegistry()
Returns the ServiceRegistry that is used by this instance to hold all Service objects available to it.

This instance's ServiceRegistry.


javax.servlet.ServletConfig getServletConfig()
Returns the ServletConfig object containing that the servlet container sent to the EchoServer's init() method (EchoServer extends HttpServlet). return The ServletConfig object for this Echo servlet.


java.lang.String getTerminationUri()
Returns null if the application does not desire to exit or a URI to direct the browser to if the application does desire to exit. This method is called by the Controller every time it receives a service request. If a URI is provided, the Controller will terminate the client session and redirect the browser.

The termination URI.


public getUserPrincipal()
Returns the principal (user) of this application. This method provides the identical capability of HttpServletRequest.getUserPrincipal().

The principal (user) of this application.


VariableData getVariableData()
Returns the VariableData object used by this instance peer when rendering templated services.

The VariableData object used by this instance peer.


java.util.Iterator getWindows()
Returns an iterator of all registered windows.

An iterator of all registered windows.


private boolean hasPeer(nextapp.echo.Component c)
Determines whether the specified component has a peer.

c - The component to analyze.
True if the component has a peer.


void incrementSequenceNumber()
Increments the value of the controller frame sequence number by one. This method is called by the controller after a successful request.

See Also:


void init()
Initializes this InstancePeer, causing the represented EchoInstance to also initialize. The default window is obtained from the EchoInstance.init() method and added to the application.


boolean isExiting()
Returns true if the application is exiting and should have therefore have its session invalidated. This method will be called by the controller which will remove the InstancePeer from the session.

True if the application is exiting.


boolean isUserInRole(java.lang.String role)
Returns true if the user of the application is in the specified role. This method provides the identical capability of HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole().

role - The role for which to test membership.
True if the user is in the specified role.


void lowerWindow(WindowUI windowUI)
Lowers the specified window to the background.

windowUI - The window to lower.


public void propertyChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent e)
Handler for PropertyChangeEvents. This class registers with all registered components and their immediately non-visible siblings to receive property changes. The InstancePeer needs to monitor all changes in its represented EchoInstance and its components such that it can update the client browser to reflect the application's state.

Specified by:
propertyChange in interface java.beans.PropertyChangeListener
e - A property change event describing a property change to the application represented by this peer or one of its components.


void raiseWindow(WindowUI windowUI)
Raises the specified window to the foreground.

windowUI - The window to raise.


public void redraw(ComponentPeer componentPeer)
Causes the service containing the given component to be re-rendered.

componentPeer - A ComponentPeer whose represented Component has changed and therefore needs to be updated on the client browser.


private void register(nextapp.echo.Component c)
Registers a component. Components are registered using the following procedure:
  1. A peer is created for the component.
  2. The peer is sored in the InstancePeer's Id-to-ComponentPeer and Component-to-ComponentPeer mappings.
  3. If the peer is a service, it is added to the service registry.
  4. If the peer has any ancillary services, they are added to the service registry.
  5. If the peer produces client actions (by implementing ClientActionProducer, then it is added to this instance's inventory of action producing components.
  6. If the peer produces client input (by implementing ClientInputProducer, then it is added to this instance's inventory of input producing components.
  7. The component is notified of its registration by having its registered()method invoked.

c - The component to be registered.


private void remove(nextapp.echo.Component c,
                    boolean visibilityChange)
Recursively removes a component and its descendants from the InstancePeer by unregistering their peer objects and removing the InstancePeer from their lists of property change listeners. If the reason for removal is that the component has become invisible, the property change listener on the component being removed will remain such that the InstancePeer will be notified if/when it again becomes visible.

c - The component to be removed from the hierarchy.
visibilityChange - A flag indicating whether the component is being removed because it changed visibility or not. If this flag is set, a property change listener will be kept on the component such that it can be re-added if it becomes visible again.


void removeConnection(Connection conn)
Removes an active connection from the internal list of connections.

conn - The Connection to be removed.


void restart()
Restarts application by suspending to applciation's own URI.


void setCharacterEncoding(java.lang.String newValue)
Returns the character encoding that will be used when communicating with the client browser.

newValue - The character encoding that will be used when communicating with the client browser.


void setClientProperties(ClientProperties clientProperties)
Sets the client properties for the user.

clientProperties - The client properties data to associate with this instance.


void setErrorUri(java.lang.String errorUri)
Sets the URI the client is directed to in the event of an unrecoverable error.

errorUri - The new error URI.


public void setTitle(WindowUI windowUI)
Causes the specified window's title to be updated on the client.

windowUI - The peer of the window whose title should be redrawn.


void setUserPrincipal( userPrincipal)
Sets the principal (user) that is using the application.

userPrincipal - The principal (user) that is using the application.


void suspend(java.lang.String uri)
Suspends the application, redirecting an available browser window to the specified URI.

uri - The URI to redirect the browser.


private void unregister(nextapp.echo.Component c)
Unregisters a component.

c - The component to be unregistered.


private void updateLocalizedResources()
Updates localized resources.


public void valueBound(javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingEvent e)
Listener implementation of HttpSessionBindingListener. Stores reference to session when invoked.

Specified by:
valueBound in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingListener
See Also:


public void valueUnbound(javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingEvent e)
Listener implementation of Mcode>HttpSessionBindingListener. Removes reference to session when invoked.

Specified by:
valueUnbound in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingListener
See Also:


private void visibilityChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent e)
Handles the case where a registered component or immediate invisible descendent of a registered component has changed visibility. A @param e property change event from a component that whose visibility has changed.

NextApp Echo
App Container 1.0.5