Add-Ons / Libraries


A collection of useful Echo components, including a calendar-based date chooser, a charting component, a tabbed pane, a color chooser, a font selector, a framework for creating wizards, dynamic menus, and an automatic browser refresh timer.

All functionality found in the former BBContrib and ChartPanel components is available in EchoPoint.

Requires: JFreeChart (provided in download)

License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).

Authors: The EchoPoint Team

Home Page:

File Transfer Library
The file transfer library enables the transfer of files between Echo applications and client Web browsers. This component contains both file upload and download components. The upload component makes use of HTML's built in file upload capability, and thus does not require any plug-ins or applets to function.

Requires: Marsh 1.2 (provided in download). J2EE mail and activation libraries (included w/ most servlet containers, incl. Tomcat 4).

License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).

Author: NextApp, Inc.

Home Page:

Sierra extends the Echo framework by providing a collection of higher-level application-oriented components, and provides a complete working intranet application which demonstrates and documents the use of NextApp's technologies in building enterprise applications.

License: Commercial.

Author: NextApp, Inc.

Home Page: