Echo2 Extras

Echo2 Extras provides a collection of additional user interface components for the Echo2 framework. This project is currently under development and should be considered beta-quality software.

Current components provided by the Extras library include:

  • AccordionPane: A tabbed container that displays its contents between vertical separators with only one child component displayed at a time. The separators slide up and down with an animated effect when the user changes selection by clicking on a separator.
  • BorderPane: A simple single-child container that displays its content surrounded by a graphically drawn FillImageBorder.
  • CalendarSelect: A date selection component which provides a view of an entire calendar month to aid in selection.
  • ColorSelect: An Hue-Saturation-Value based color selection component.
  • PulldownMenu: A pull-down menu component with the capability to display submenus and toggle/radio items.
  • TabPane: A traditional tabbed pane implementation. This component can lazy-render its children to reduce initial load times.
  • TransitionPane: A single-child container that plays an animated effect when its content is changed. Currently supported effects include horizontal camera pans and blinds.

Extras is licensed under the Mozilla Public License which enables the development of both open-source and commercial software that utilizes this library.


API Documentation

Example Applications


Download Latest Version (v2.1.0, released February 3, 2009):

Source Code Repository

The project source is hosted in a public Subversion source code repository.

Root URL:
Latest Development Version: