Class Hierarchy:

Measures the boundaries of an element,i.e., its left and top position and/or width and height. If the element is not attached to the rendered DOM hierarchy, the element will be temporarily removed from its hierarchy and placed in an off-screen buffer for measuring.

Constructor Summary
Public Core.Web.Measure.Bounds()
Creates a new Bounds object to calculate the size and/or position of an element.

Class Method Summary
Internal _initMeasureContainer()

Instance Method Summary
Public toString()
toString() implementation for debug purposes.

Constructor Detail
Creates a new Bounds object to calculate the size and/or position of an element.
element - the element to measure.
constraints - an object containing width and or height properties specifying size of region in which to measure the element

Class Method Detail

Instance Method Detail
toString() implementation for debug purposes.
(String) a string representation of the object