Class Hierarchy:

Event Processing System namespace. The static methods in this object provide a standard framework for handling DOM events across incompatible browser platforms.

Capturing/Bubbling Listeners: This implementation additionally allows for the registration of capturing and bubbling event listeners that work even on Internet Explorer platforms, where they are not natively supported. This implementation relies on the fact that all event listeners will be registered through it.

Class Method Summary
Public add()
Registers an event handler.
Internal _processEvent()
Listener method which is invoked when ANY event registered with the event processor occurs.
Public remove()
Unregisters an event handler.
Public removeAll()
Unregister all event handlers from a specific element.
Internal _removeAllImpl()
Implementation method for removeAll().
Public toString()
toString() implementation for debugging purposes.

Class Method Detail
Registers an event handler.
element (Element) - the DOM element on which to add the event handler
eventType (String) - the DOM event type
eventTarget (Function) - the event handler to invoke when the event is fired
capture (Boolean) - true to fire the event during the capturing phase, false to fire the event during the bubbling phase

Listener method which is invoked when ANY event registered with the event processor occurs.
e (Event) -

Unregisters an event handler.
element (Element) - the DOM element on which to add the event handler
eventType (String) - the DOM event type
eventTarget (Function) - the function to invoke when the event is fired
capture (Boolean) - true to fire the event during the capturing phase, false to fire the event during the bubbling phase

Unregister all event handlers from a specific element. Use of this operation is recommended when disposing of components, it is more efficient than removing listeners individually and guarantees proper clean-up.
element (Element) - the element

Implementation method for removeAll(). Removes all capturing or bubbling listeners from a specific element
element (Element) - the element
listenerMap (Core.Arrays.LargeMap) - the map from which the listeners should be removed, either Core.Web.Event._capturingListenerMap or Core.Web.Event._bubblingListenerMap

toString() implementation for debugging purposes. Displays contents of capturing and bubbling listener maps.
(String) string representation of listener maps