NextApp Echo3

Package nextapp.echo.webcontainer

Provides core classes of the web application container.


Interface Summary
AbstractCommandSynchronizePeer.IndexedPropertyPeer A peer for rendering an indexed property of a Command.
AbstractCommandSynchronizePeer.PropertyPeer A peer for rendering a non-indexed property of a Command.
ClientMessage.Processor Interface for Processors which may be associated with a specific type of <dir> (directive) element in the XML message.
CommandSynchronizePeer A stateless peer object used to render the given type of to the client.
ComponentSynchronizePeer Peer for synchronizing the state of server-side Component objects with their equivalent client-side instances.
ContainerContext Contextual information about the application container provided to an application instance.
RenderState Describes the last rendered state of a component on the client browser.
Service An interface for objects that process Connections, parsing an HTTP request and producing an HTTP response.
SynchronizationState State information pertaining to a specific synchronization.
WebContainerServlet.MultipartRequestWrapper An interface implemented by a supporting object that will handle multipart/form-data encoded HTTP requests.

Class Summary
AbstractCommandSynchronizePeer Default abstract implementation of CommandSynchronizePeer.
AbstractComponentSynchronizePeer Default abstract implementation of ComponentSynchronizePeer.
AbstractComponentSynchronizePeer.EventPeer Peer for synchronizing events between client and server.
ClientConfiguration Application-specific client configuration settings.
ClientMessage The incoming XML message which synchronizes the state of the server to that of the client.
ClientProperties A description of the client browser environment.
ClientPropertiesInputProcessor ClientMessage.Processor which generates a ClientProperties and assigns it to the relevant UserInstance.
ComponentFocusInputProcessor ClientMessage.Processor which stores the client focus state in the server-side application.
ComponentInputProcessor ClientMessage.Processor which de-serializes changed properties and fired events generated by the client-side component hierarchy and passes them to appropriate ComponentSynchronizePeers for processing.
Connection A representation of a connection to the server by the client, encapsulating the servlet request and response objects, and providing access to the relevant application instance.
ContentType A representation of a content-type.
InputProcessor Parses an XML ClientMessage describing client-side changes to the state of an application that is sent to the remote client as the request of a synchronization HTTP connection.
ResourceRegistry A registry of CLASSPATH resources which are provided to the client via the ResourceService.
ServerMessage The outgoing XML message which synchronizes the state of the client to that of the server.
ServiceRegistry A registry of Service objects that may be recalled based on Id values.
Synchronization The high-level object which encapsulates the core of the client-server synchronization process for server-side applications.
SynchronizePeerFactory Factory for obtaining XXXSynchronizePeer implementations.
UserInstance Object representing a single user-instance of an application hosted in the web application container.
UserInstanceUpdateManager Provides information about changes to UserInstance properties of which the client engine needs to be informed.
WebContainerServlet Web container HttpServlet implementation.

Exception Summary
SynchronizationException An exception representing a failure in the client-server synchronization process.
WebContainerServletException A generic runtime exception to handle circumstances that should almost never happen.

Package nextapp.echo.webcontainer Description

Provides core classes of the web application container.

Related Documentation

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NextApp Echo3