NextApp Echo3


Provides peers to serialize various property types to and from XML.


Interface Summary
ImageReferencePeer Additional interface for ImageReference SerialPropertyPeers.

Class Summary
AlignmentPeer SerialPropertyPeer for Alignment properties.
BooleanPeer SerialPropertyPeer for Boolean properties.
BorderPeer SerialPropertyPeer for Border properties.
CellLayoutDataPeer SerialPropertyPeer for CellLayoutData properties.
ColorPeer SerialPropertyPeer for Color properties.
ColumnLayoutDataPeer SerialPropertyPeer for ColumnLayoutData properties.
DatePeer SerialPropertyPeer for Date properties.
ExtentPeer SerialPropertyPeer for Extent properties.
FillImageBorderPeer SerialPropertyPeer for FillImageBorder properties.
FillImagePeer SerialPropertyPeer for FillImage properties.
FontPeer SerialPropertyPeer for Font properties.
GridLayoutDataPeer SerialPropertyPeer for GridLayoutData properties.
InsetsPeer SerialPropertyPeer for Insets properties.
IntegerPeer SerialPropertyPeer for Integer properties.
LayoutDataPeer SerialPropertyPeer for LayoutData properties.
MapPeer SerialPropertyPeer for Map properties.
ResourceImageReferencePeer SerialPropertyPeer for ResourceImageReference properties.
RowLayoutDataPeer SerialPropertyPeer for RowLayoutData properties.
SplitPaneLayoutDataPeer SerialPropertyPeer for SplitPane properties.
StringPeer SerialPropertyPeer for String properties.

Package Description

Provides peers to serialize various property types to and from XML.

Related Documentation

For more information please see:

NextApp Echo3