NextApp Echo2


Provides the core classes and components for creating Echo applications.


Interface Summary
Command A stateless construct used to send arbitrary commands to the client.
DelegateFocusSupport Interface to provide capability for composite components to delegate focus to a specific child.
FloatingPane Marker interface describing a Pane Components which float above a region, e.g., WindowPanes.
ImageReference A representation of an image / picture.
LayoutData Describes the interface between a child Component and its parent Component.
ModalSupport An interface for Components which support a modal state.
Pane Marker interface describing a Component which fills a region.
PaneContainer Marker interface describing a Component which may contain Panes as children.
RenderIdSupport Interface for objects which may be identified for rendering purposes via via unique String identifiers.
Style A representation of stylistic property information about a single instance or type of component.
StyleSheet A collection of component-specific named styles.
TaskQueueHandle Handle interface representing a queue of tasks to be run.

Class Summary
Alignment A property object which describes the alignment or positioning of a particular item relative to others.
ApplicationInstance A single user-instance of an Echo application.
AwtImageReference An ImageReference describing an image which may be rendered from a java.awt.Image.
Border A representation of a simple border.
Button An implementation of a "push" button.
CheckBox A check box implementation.
Color A representation of a 24-bit RGB color.
Column A layout Component which renders its contents in a single vertical column of cells.
Component A representation of an Echo component.
Composite Generic composite component base class.
ContentPane A content pane is a high-level container/layout object which provides layout for a content region and floating WindowPanes.
DerivedMutableStyle A MutableStyle which will retrieve properties from a "parent" style when they are not set locally.
Extent A representation of a linear distance with units.
FillImage Describes how an image should 'fill' a particular component or region of the user interface.
FillImageBorder A representation of a graphical border drawn using a series of eight FillImages.
Font An immutable representation of a text font, including typeface, size, and style.
Font.Typeface An immutable representation of a type face.
Grid A layout Component which renders its contents in a grid.
HttpImageReference A reference to an image that may be retrieved through an HTTP request.
Insets A property which describes an "inset" within a rectangular region.
Label A component which displays a text string, an icon, or both.
LayoutDirection Describes the layout direction of text and content to provide support for bidirectional localization.
ListBox A component which provides the ability to select one or more items.
MutableStyle A Style implementation which may be modified.
MutableStyleSheet A mutable implementation of a StyleSheet.
Panel A single-child container.
PasswordField A single-line text input field which masks input.
RadioButton A radio button implementation.
ResourceImageReference A representation of an image that will be retrieved as a resource from the CLASSPATH.
Row A layout Component which renders its contents in a single horizontal row of cells.
SelectField A drop-down select field.
SplitPane A container which displays two components horizontally or vertically adjacent to one another.
StreamImageReference Base class for ImageReferences whose content is delivered by an OutputStream.
Table A component used to display data in a tabular format.
TextArea A multiple-line text input field.
TextField A single-line text input field.
Window A top-level window.
WindowPane A Component which renders its contents in a floating, movable window.

Exception Summary
IllegalChildException An exception thrown when attempting to add a child to the component hierarchy where either the parent is incompatible with the child or the child is incompatible with the parent.

Package Description

Provides the core classes and components for creating Echo applications.

Related Documentation

For more information please see:

NextApp Echo2