NextApp Echo
App Container 1.1.4

Class HtmlDocument

  extended bynextapp.echoservlet.HtmlDocument
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class HtmlDocument
extends java.lang.Object

A representation of an HTML document. This class functions as the root node for the tree of HTMLElements that make up a renderable document.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
          A script event type for "initialization" tasks.
static int EVENT_ONLOAD
          A script event type for "onload" tasks.
          A script event type for "onunload" tasks.
Constructor Summary
protected HtmlDocument(Connection conn, Element body)
          Creates a new instance rendered through the specified connection and containing body as its root content element.
Method Summary
 void addScript(java.lang.String script)
          Adds a line of JavaScript that will be invoked as the document is rendered.
 void addScript(java.lang.String script, int eventType)
          Adds a line of JavaScript that will be invoked when an event occurs.
 void addScriptInclude(Service service)
          Adds a referenced JavaScript include.
 java.lang.String addStyle(ComponentStyle componentStyle)
          Adds a component style to the document.
static HtmlDocument create(Connection conn)
          Creates a normal document (not a frameset).
static HtmlDocument createFrameSet(Connection conn)
          Creates a frameset document.
 Element getBodyElement()
          Returns the "body" element of the document.
 Element getHeadElement()
          Returns the <head> element of the document.
 boolean isCursorOnNewLine()
          Returns the if the browser's "rendering cursor" is at the beginning of a new line.
 void render( pw)
          Renders the entire document to the specified PrintWriter.
 void setCursorOnNewLine(boolean cursorOnNewLine)
          Sets whether the browser's rendering cursor is on a new line.
 void setScrollBarPositions(int x, int y)
          Sets the intial scroll bar positions of the document.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int EVENT_INITIALIZE
A script event type for "initialization" tasks. This constant is a suitable value for the eventName parameter of the addScript method. A script added with this event type will be executed once its document's frame's parents have executed their initialization scripts.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int EVENT_ONLOAD
A script event type for "onload" tasks. This constant is a suitable value for the eventName parameter of the addScript method. A script added with this event type will be executed once its document's frame's child frames have executed their onload scripts.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int EVENT_ONUNLOAD
A script event type for "onunload" tasks. This constant is a suitable value for the evetName parameter of the addScript method. A script added with this event type will be executed when a document is removed from service, such as in the event that its content is changed or its window is closed or reloaded.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


protected HtmlDocument(Connection conn,
                       Element body)
Creates a new instance rendered through the specified connection and containing body as its root content element.

conn - The connection for which this document is being put into service.
body - The element that will be used as the root content element of this document (a <body> or <frame> element).
Method Detail


public static HtmlDocument create(Connection conn)
Creates a normal document (not a frameset).

conn - The connection to which the document will be rendered.
An HTML document that whose body is a <body> tag.


public static HtmlDocument createFrameSet(Connection conn)
Creates a frameset document.

conn - The connection to which the document will be rendered.
An HTML document that whose body is a <frameset> tag.


public void addScript(java.lang.String script)
Adds a line of JavaScript that will be invoked as the document is rendered. Such scripts may invoked before all resources are available, and thus most script calls should be added using the addScript(script, eventName) method. This method is only useful for adding global script variables to the document body.

script - A line of JavaScript code.


public void addScript(java.lang.String script,
                      int eventType)
Adds a line of JavaScript that will be invoked when an event occurs. These lines of JavaScript will be executed in the order that they were added.

script - A line of JavaScript code.
eventType - The name of the event, one of the following values:
  • EVENT_INITIALIZE execute the script when all frames have loaded.
  • EVENT_ONLOAD execute the script when all child frames have loaded.
  • EVENT_ONUNLOAD execute the script when the frame unloads.


public void addScriptInclude(Service service)
Adds a referenced JavaScript include.

service - The service that renders the JavaScript include.


public java.lang.String addStyle(ComponentStyle componentStyle)
Adds a component style to the document. Returns the name of the style in the document.

componentStyle - The component style to add to the document.
The document-specific name of the style. The document-specific name of the style is not necessarily identical to the style's name. The name of the style provided here must be used in all element "class" attributes that use the style to guarantee proper rendering.


public Element getBodyElement()
Returns the "body" element of the document. This will either be a <body> element in the case of a content-holding document or a <frameset> element in the case of a frameset document.

The "body" tag of the document.


public Element getHeadElement()
Returns the <head> element of the document.

The <head> element of the document.


public boolean isCursorOnNewLine()
Returns the if the browser's "rendering cursor" is at the beginning of a new line. This is used to inform a component that is being rendered whether the last component will automatically move the browser's rendering cursor to the start of a new line, as is the case after a <br> or closing </table> tag is encountered.

True if the cursor is on a new line.


public void render( pw)
Renders the entire document to the specified PrintWriter.

pw - A PrintWriter to render the document to.


public void setCursorOnNewLine(boolean cursorOnNewLine)
Sets whether the browser's rendering cursor is on a new line.

cursorOnNewLine - True if the browser's rendering cursor is on a new line.
See Also:


public void setScrollBarPositions(int x,
                                  int y)
Sets the intial scroll bar positions of the document.

x - The initial horizontal scroll bar position (0 is the default).
y - The initial vertical scroll bar position (0 is the default).

NextApp Echo
App Container 1.1.4