NextApp Echo
App Container 1.1.4

Class ComponentPeer

  extended bynextapp.echoservlet.ComponentPeer
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractButtonUI, AbstractPaneUI, ColumnUI, ContainerUI, FillerUI, GridCellUI, GridUI, LabelUI, ListBoxUI, PanelUI, RowUI, SelectFieldUI, TableHeaderUI, TableUI, TextComponentUI, WindowUI

public abstract class ComponentPeer
extends java.lang.Object

The base class from which all component peers are derived.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          Creates a new ComponentPeer.
Method Summary
 void addAncillaryService(Service service)
          Adds an ancillary service to this ComponentPeer.
 Id generateId()
 nextapp.echo.Color getBackground()
          Returns the background color in which the component will be rendered.
protected  int getChildCount()
          Returns the number of visible child components contained in this component.
protected  ComponentPeer[] getChildren()
          Returns the peers for all of the referenced component's visible children.
 nextapp.echo.Component getComponent()
          Returns the component that is handled by this peer.
 java.lang.String getFocusedElementId()
 nextapp.echo.Font getFont()
          Returns the font in which the component will be rendered.
 nextapp.echo.Color getForeground()
          Returns the foreground color in which the component will be rendered.
 Id getId()
          Returns the Id by which this peer is identified on the client.
 InstancePeer getInstancePeer()
          Returns the InstancePeer with which this peer is associated.
protected  ComponentPeer getParent()
          Returns the peer of the associated component's component.
protected  ComponentPeer getPeer(nextapp.echo.Component component)
          Returns the peer of the specified component.
 int getTabIndex()
          Returns the tab index of the component, recursively querying parent components for the information if the tab index of a component is not set.
 void redraw()
          Requests that the component be redrawn on the client.
protected  void registered()
          Called when the component is registered.
 void removeAncillaryService(Service service)
          Removes an ancillary service from this ComponentPeer.
 void render(RenderingContext rc, Element parent)
          A method that should be overridden for the ComponentPeer to produce HTML output.
protected  void unregistered()
          Called when the component is unregistered.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ComponentPeer()
Creates a new ComponentPeer.

Method Detail


public void addAncillaryService(Service service)
Adds an ancillary service to this ComponentPeer. Ancillary services will be registered for the life of the ComponentPeer and automatically removed when it is unregistered. An ancillary service should be used by ONLY one peer, as the peer will register and unregister it from the ServiceRegistry as required.

service - The ancillary service to be added.


public nextapp.echo.Color getBackground()
Returns the background color in which the component will be rendered. The color will be determined by examining the represented component and then its ancestors until a background color can be determined.

The background color in which the component will be rendered.


public Id generateId()


protected int getChildCount()
Returns the number of visible child components contained in this component.

The number of visible child components.


protected ComponentPeer[] getChildren()
Returns the peers for all of the referenced component's visible children.

The peers of all visible child components of this peer's represented component.


public nextapp.echo.Component getComponent()
Returns the component that is handled by this peer.

The component that is handled by this peer.


public java.lang.String getFocusedElementId()


public nextapp.echo.Font getFont()
Returns the font in which the component will be rendered. The font will be determined by examining the represented component and then its ancestors until a font can be determined.

The font in which the component will be rendered.


public nextapp.echo.Color getForeground()
Returns the foreground color in which the component will be rendered. The color will be determined by examining the represented component and then its ancestors until a foreground color can be determined.

The foreground color in which the component will be rendered.


public Id getId()
Returns the Id by which this peer is identified on the client.

The Id by which this peer is identified on the client.


public InstancePeer getInstancePeer()
Returns the InstancePeer with which this peer is associated. If the peer is unregistered, null will be returned.

The InstancePeer with which this peer is associated.


protected ComponentPeer getParent()
Returns the peer of the associated component's component.

The peer of the associated component's component.


protected ComponentPeer getPeer(nextapp.echo.Component component)
Returns the peer of the specified component.

component - The component whose peer is to be returned.
The peer of the specified component.


public int getTabIndex()
Returns the tab index of the component, recursively querying parent components for the information if the tab index of a component is not set.

The tab index with which the component should be rendered.


public void redraw()
Requests that the component be redrawn on the client.


protected void registered()
Called when the component is registered. This method should be overridden if necessary.


public void removeAncillaryService(Service service)
Removes an ancillary service from this ComponentPeer. Ancillary services will be registered for the life of the ComponentPeer and automatically removed when it is unregistered. An ancillary service should be used by ONLY one peer, as the peer will register and unregister it from the ServiceRegistry as required.

service - The ancillary service to be removed.


public void render(RenderingContext rc,
                   Element parent)
A method that should be overridden for the ComponentPeer to produce HTML output.

rc - A rendering context provided by the Connection.
parent - The element that will contain content rendered by this ComponentPeer.


protected void unregistered()
Called when the component is unregistered. This method should be overridden if necessary.

NextApp Echo
App Container 1.1.4