NextApp Echo
App Container 1.1.4

Interface ClientInputProducer

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
CheckBoxUI, ListBoxUI, RadioButtonUI, SelectFieldUI, TextComponentUI

public interface ClientInputProducer

An interface used by ComponentPeers to receive input from the client browser. Implementing this interface will automatically generate a hidden input field on the client in the form rendered by the Controller.

Method Summary
 void clientInput(java.lang.String input)
          Called when a client sends an input string through an input field.
 Id getId()
          Returns the Id of the input producing ComponentPeer.

Method Detail


public void clientInput(java.lang.String input)
Called when a client sends an input string through an input field.

input - The data in the hidden input field in the controller form as last known.


public Id getId()
Returns the Id of the input producing ComponentPeer.

The Id of the input producing ComponentPeer.

NextApp Echo
App Container 1.1.4